Friday, February 11, 2011

Repeat drawing and printing with students at NUCA

This is a selection of work created by year 2 students on the BA Textiles course at Norwich University College of the Arts.
Drawings were created then prepared for printing in repeat on 2.5 metres of fabric.
Some really exciting work was produced .

Thursday, February 10, 2011

building the blog

started to think that there needs to be more information on the blog.I have hundreds of images that need to be posted and archived in some way.
This is the start of attempting to create a more regular blog and i will start to add more comment on the work that is being posted. It will be trial and error and it may change format a few times until i feel happy with it..

the last drawings that were posted were pieces that were developed from some sketchbook work that was created by taking some random lyrics from music and mixing them up.

I have been interested in developing work that sometimes relates to notions of randomness.

i will start to post some images of drawings that i have produced over the last couple of years and some of compositions that i have created during the last few days. They are very different!

also trying to figure out how to do all this without spending all of my life in front of a computer.